macromax.utils.array package

This module provides additional functionality to work with nd-arrays.


macromax.utils.array.add_dims_on_right module

macromax.utils.array.add_dims_on_right.add_dims_on_right(arr, new_axes_on_right=0, ndim=None)[source]

A function that returns a view with additional singleton dimensions on the right. This is useful to broadcast and expand on the left-hand side with an array of an arbitrary number of dimensions on the right-hand side.

  • arr (Union[Complex, Sequence, ndarray]) – The original array or sequence of numbers that can be converted to an array.

  • new_axes_on_right (int) – (optional) The number of axes to add on the right hand side. Default: ndim - arr.ndim or 0 if the latter is not specified. If negative, singleton dimensions are removed from the right. This will fail if those on the right are not singleton dimensions.

  • ndim (Optional[int]) – (optional) The total number of axes of the returned view. Default: arr.ndim + new_axes_on_right


A view with ndim == arr.ndim + new_axes_on_right dimensions.

macromax.utils.array.vector_to_axis module

macromax.utils.array.vector_to_axis.vector_to_axis(vec, axis=0, ndim=None)[source]

Adds singleton dimensions to a 1D vector up to dimension n and orients the vector in dimension axis (default 0)

  • vec – the input vector

  • axis (int) – the target axis (default: 0)

  • ndim (Optional[int]) – the number of desired dimensions. Default: axis


an n-dimensional array with all-but-one singleton dimension

macromax.utils.array.word_align module

macromax.utils.array.word_align.word_align(input_array, word_length=32)[source]

Returns a new array that is byte-aligned to words of length word_length bytes. This may be required for libraries such as pyfftw.

  • input_array – The input array to align.

  • word_length (int) – The word length to align to. This must be an integer multiple of the dtype size.


A word-aligned array with the same contents and shape as input_array.